As we cast the net as wide as possible for this virtual conversation, our hope is anyone that walks with youth and young adults, or oversees their care, join us to discuss your dreams, hopes, and vision for these individuals and their families. When you signed up for our OYYACM eGram, you took the first step in showcasing your desire to disciple this crucial demographic, and now it’s time to take a step in a new direction of innovation! All are welcome to join us! (Pastors, Paid and Volunteer Lay Ecclesial Ministry Leaders, Organizational Leaders, Campus Leaders, NPBO Leaders, and Ministry Volunteers)
The dream that you have for your parish today is the reality that your youth and young adults are going to inherit. What vision are you painting for them coming out of COVID? Because make no mistake, they are paying close attention. Join us as we begin to rediscover and name our mission moving forward in the wake of COVID-19!!!