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Please note: In person, large-group gatherings for Fall 2020 have been suspended due to Covid. This event is being revisioned and details will be available ASAP. Please view the full announcement here. 


Speaker Biography:

A Dallas native, Lacy de la Garza currently serves as director of parish & community relations for Catholic Charities Dallas. As a member of the CCD team, she focuses on facilitating relationships between parishes, community entities and the agency to better serve those in need within the diocese of Dallas. The express goals are to build Catholic Charities fluency at all levels of leadership within the diocese, Catholic or not, and facilitate learning opportunities for the community to discover what we do, why we do it, and how to get involved. In addition, Lacy maintains CCD presence in key areas such as the University of Dallas Ministry Conference, Dallas Catholic Youth Conference, Anti-Poverty Coalition of Greater Dallas, the Mayor’s Star Council, and others. Prior to joining CCD, Lacy completed a master’s degree in psychology, served in undergraduate admissions with University of Dallas, and as the English Rachel’s Vineyard coordinator for Catholic Pro-Life Community. In her spare time, she’s visited 49 of the 50 states!


Additional Information:

The OYYACM always seeks to ensure our formation offerings have an extra touch that goes above and beyond the normal experience. In the spirit of Radical Hospitality, we will be sending a special surprise via email post confirmation of attendance. 

Audience: Basecamps can accommodate up to 20 participants and welcome all Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministry Leaders (full-time, part-time, volunteer), Ministry Team Volunteers/Catechists, and any Supervisors, Priests, Non-parish Organization Representatives, and other Parish Ministry Leaders that find the presenting topic relevant.

Please consider registering as soon as possible. Once the 20 slots are filled the registration form will no longer be available. You can email Murphey at mcohn@cathdal.org if you would like to be placed on a waitlist. Also, we ask that if you register and are no longer able to attend the online formation offering please inform Murphey, so that someone else may be able to attend.


Additional Note: Julia Quezada will be out of the office for the December 3rd Basecamp.  For this formation event, all registration information and questions should be directed to Murphey Cohn at mcohn@cathdal.org.



December 3, 2020
Event Categories:


Dallas, TX United States


Office of Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministries
(214) 528-2240
View Organizer Website