Please note: In person, large-group gatherings for Fall 2020 have been suspended due to Covid. This event is being revisioned and details will be available ASAP. Please view the full announcement here.
In this presentation you’ll discover:
Budget 101
- The basic purpose, structure, and considerations of a budget
- Budget Advocacy Touch Points (Providing language of Advocacy)
- How to best utilize your resources efficiently to provide for your ministry needs
- How to potentially increase your budget over time
Fundraising 101
- How to break through the mental and emotional resistance of switching from ministry to fundraising
- How to effectively develop and share your ministry’s vision so that others are inspired to give
- A simple strategy to get more buy-in from the people that matter
- How to save time and energy identifying the best fundraising strategy for your ministry
Speaker Biographies:
Bruce Baumann is the Director of Faith Formation at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Plano. He received his Master’s Degree in Pastoral Studies from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN and has been involved in professional youth ministry for 25 years. Bruce teaches in the Certificate of Pastoral Ministry Program and is a Life Coach for the Living Your Strengths movement.
Jonathan Baca is the Coordinator for the Annual Appeal for the Diocese of Dallas, which generates more than $6 million dollars annually. Prior to working for the diocese, he taught high school theology for 4 years and then went on to work in international corporate travel for 3 years. A native Californian, he is passionate about creating spiritually healthy, professional, and strategic church culture. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in both Theology and Marketing from Franciscan University of Steubenville and a Master of Arts degree in Theology from the University of Dallas.
Additional Information:
The OYYACM always seeks to ensure our formation offerings have an extra touch that goes above and beyond the normal experience. As such, we will be sending a gift via email upon confirmation of attendance.
Audience: Basecamps can accommodate up to 20 participants and welcome all Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministry Leaders (full-time, part-time, volunteer), Ministry Team Volunteers/Catechists, and any Supervisors, Priests, Non-parish Organization Representatives, and other Parish Ministry Leaders that find the presenting topic relevant.
Please consider registering as soon as possible. Once the 20 slots are filled the registration form will no longer be available. You can email Julia at jquezada@cathdal.org if you would like to be placed on a waitlist. Also, we ask that if you register and are no longer able to attend the online formation offering please inform Julia, so that someone else may be able to attend.