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The Parish Youth Minister:

Going from Doing to Empowering

The Parish Youth Minister: Going from Doing to Empowering

Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at 1:00 pm CT
Presented by: Ela Milewska Moderated by: Alison Pope

Youth ministry is the work of the whole parish and not just one or a few people. This is a good idea theory but is hard in practice, especially when the community looks to you as THE youth minister. This webinar will address real strategies to move from being the primary minister to young people to the facilitator of a community of ministers.

Ela Milewska has trained youth ministry and catechetical leaders educators across the US and internationally. She is blessed to have ministered in a variety of environments from rural communities to large cities. Ela is currently the executive director of the Department of Youth Faith Formation overseeing the offices that help parishes form young people and their families from pre-school to twelfth grade. In 2016, she received the National Youth Ministry Award in training.

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July 9, 2019
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Event Category:


Online Webinar
Dallas, TX United States