3725 Blackburn Street, Dallas, TX 75219


During the many life transitions of the young adult life, the Church is there for you!  We pray you grow more closely to Jesus, His truth, and His unfailing love.


THE 635




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Community Calendar

Young Adults

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A Night of Grace

March 19, 2025

A Night of Grace

April 16, 2025

A Night of Grace

May 21, 2025

A Night of Grace

June 18, 2025

Young Adult Small Groups

The Church has been gathering in small Christian communities since the beginning.

These small Christian communities have formed the Church we know today. Acts 2:42 gives us insight into the lives of the early Christians: “They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers.” Our ancestors in faith committed themselves to this lifestyle and through their communities, were able to preserve the Gospel message and share it with us.  We find the elements of the early Christian communities in catechesis, fellowship, the Eucharist, and devotion to a communal and personal daily prayer.

Consider joining a young adult small group through one of the parishes within the diocese. Invest in developing and finding a home in your own small Christian community. We would love to have you!

THE 635

The 635 is a place for those who are searching, seeking, questioning, and longing for more. You don’t need to be a “church person” or already have a faith community. Come as you are. You belong here.

The mission of the 635 is to provide young adults in the Dallas area, regardless of their faith backgrounds, with an undeniable sense of belonging, a safe space to encounter God, and access to a supportive Christian community. 


Pastoral Juvenil Hispana

La Pastoral Juvenil Hispana promueve la comunión y participación de grupos y movimientos de jóvenes adultos de las diferentes parroquias y les anima a desarrollar un liderazgo y compromiso con Jesús y su Iglesia.

The Hispanic Young Adult Ministry promotes the communion and participation of young adult groups and movements of the different parishes and encourages them to develop leadership and commitment to Jesus and His church.

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